Our region, the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts, is blessed to have two camp and conference facilities. One of them, where our regional offices are located, is Grotonwood in Groton, Massachusetts. Click-on the logo to the right to learn about Grotonwood and its programs.
The First Baptist Church of Boston is a member congregation of the American Baptist Churches, USA. Click-on the logo to the left to obtain more information about our denomination
Each American Baptist Churches, USA, region is made-up of numerous grouping of churches known as associations. The First Baptist Church of Boston belongs to the Samuel Stillman Association, named after the Rev. Dr. Samuel Stillman, who was the pastor here from 1764-1807. Click-on Rev. Stillman's picture to the left to learn more about our Baptist Association.
The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts also operates Oceanwood in Ocean Park, Maine. Click-on the logo to the left to learn about Oceanwood and its programs.
The Northern Baptist Educational Society has been supporting students preparing for Baptist minisitries since 1791. Click-on the logo to the right to learn about the Northern Baptist Educational Society and the grants it provides.
The American Baptist Churches, USA, is divided into regions. Our region is The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts. Click-on the logo to the right to learn more about our region.
Additional information about our Meeting House & the surrounding neighborhood can be found at www.backbayhouses.org